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Transforming Prospects into Thriving Movement Professionals

Discover how Yoga Detour harnessed strategic marketing to achieve a 23% conversion rate, lowering costs and elevating profits in the movement education industry.


About the Client

Yoga Detour, an online education company empowering movement professionals, faced the challenge of expanding their customer base and boosting sales. By implementing a strategic marketing funnel based on free courses, targeted email sequences, and remarketing efforts, they achieved a remarkable 23% conversion rate, transforming prospects into loyal clients.

The Challenge

The Bend and Stretch Dilemma

Yoga Detour confronted the need for a scalable and predictable customer acquisition system to drive sales and continue growing their revenue. The challenge was to attract new clients while maintaining their existing revenue streams.

The Solution

To tackle this challenge, Yoga Detour engaged in a data-driven approach. They leveraged insights from their social media and website content to construct a dynamic marketing funnel. At the core of this strategy was a free online course, strategically designed to engage and educate their target audience.

This free course served as the entry point for potential clients. Coupled with a well-crafted email sequence, it nurtured prospects and guided them through the journey. Additionally, remarketing campaigns were implemented to re-engage those who had shown interest but hadn't yet converted.

Unrolling Success Mats


The Results

From Poses, to Profits

The implementation of this comprehensive marketing funnel yielded impressive results for Yoga Detour. The conversion rate soared to an impressive 23%, bringing a steady influx of new clients into their ecosystem. Most notably, the average cost-per-lead plummeted from $36.02 to just $4.82.

The strategically designed advertising campaigns maintained a consistent return on ad spend (ROAS) ranging from 270% to a remarkable 1000%. This combination of reduced costs and increased revenue was a game-changer for Yoga Detour, allowing them to not only expand their client base but also maximize profitability.

Nick Beaupre Project Case Study Results for Yoga Detour

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